We have all said these two dirty words before… “I can’t”. Houston Personal Trainers and health professionals hate them, but that is only because we usually have a way around them for you. Whether it be an exercise modification or an entire diet change, it is very rare for a person not to beat their own odds, so to speak. As a certified trainer and fitness nutritionist, it is my job to help any and all of my clients reach their personal health and fitness goals. Because of that responsibility, I have devised some barriers to success along with some helpful tips to turn the words “I can’t” into “I did!”…
Not enough time. Life happens and to keep yourself from going crazy, you just go with the flow. Other than anything in your schedule that’s out of the ordinary, everyone should be able to make time for some kind of physical activity and healthy eating. “Make time” being the operative words here. Let’s just get it in our minds that we need a plan to make these habits into a lifestyle.
Insecurities. No balance/coordination, sweaty Sally, lack of knowledge, or even just your body image in general. These are things that can and most likely will keep you from healthy living if you allow them. So, take time each day, a few minutes in the morning will work, to keep your thoughts in line with your goals. Having a good support system of friends, family, and coworkers can give give little affirmations that you’re worth more than each of your insecurities. You must love the skin you’re in first!
Physical/bodily limitations. These can include things such as bad knees, hips, shoulders, etc. If you’ve ever seen a trainer, some of the first things they do I’m the beginning stages of training is administer a fitness test. This could include a timed step test to observe heart rate ascensions and descents, weight, body fat percentages, and even skills like push-ups and squats. Always ask your trainer for a modification if there is an exercise that causes pain to a joint or ligament in an unusual way. But remember, there is a difference between “pain” and a “muscle burn”. I have listed some sites at the bottom for exercise modifications for different bodily limitations such as those that suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.
Unsure about what to eat. If you’re like most, grocery stores and restaurants can be terrifying when trying to eat healthy. From the cost to being unsure about ingredients, shopping and buying food is the biggest problem area for most who are trying to reach their goals. A clean and healthy diet is even more vital to those that suffer from diseases like celiac and diabetes. If you don’t have the means to hire a nutritionist or to cook all your meals, places like Snap Kitchen allow you to eat freshly prepared meals, drinks, and snacks on any style of diet. They cater to gluten-free, Paleo, vegan, and vegetarian diets. Again, I have included some sites at the bottom to help find the right eating routine for you.
Now these are only some of the most common barriers to fitness success. Discovering what yours may be and seeking out solutions are what will make the difference between those words “I can’t” and “I did”. Now let’s start making our fat cry!
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