By now, summer travel season is well underway. This time of the year I have many clients ask me for travel workout programs that they can do on the road. Well, friends, ask and you shall receive! For the next four weeks, I’ll be sharing short workouts that target the arms, legs, glutes, and some cardio/core that can be done with minimal to no equipment in 10 minutes or less! Whether you’re traveling or not, these workouts are great to do on your own- especially if you have a certain area you’d like to focus on! For this week’s summer fitness travel workout, I bring you an arm workout.

All Arms Summer Workout

Equipment: medium strength resistance band

The workout: Perform 10-15 repetitions of each exercise in a row without breaks. Perform 1-4 sets depending on the amount of time that you have.

The exercises:

  1. Push ups
  2. Triceps kickback
  3. Bent over rows
  4. Bicep curls

Breakdown of each exercise:

Push ups: Start in a plank position on your hands and toes with your hands underneath your shoulders, and your quads, glutes, and abs squeezed tight. Slowly lower yourself toward the ground while maintaining a good plank position in the body. Exhale and squeeze the abs as you push away from the ground.


-Make it easier: Perform the push ups on an elevated surface (like a counter top) or do them on your knees.

-Make it harder: Do the push up and raise a leg at the top. Alternate with each rep. You could also add a knee tuck by bringing your knee in toward your chest each time you press up to the starting position

Triceps Kickback: Start on your hands and knees holding the handle in one hand and the band in the other. Anchor the band underneath the non-working hand and bring the other elbow up to your side so that your upper arm is even with your flat back and the elbow is bent to 90 degrees. Keep your elbow at your side as you straighten the working arm and focus on squeezing the triceps. Slowly return to the starting position at the same pace you used on the kickback.


-Make it easier: Loosen the grip on the band so that you have less tension in the band.

-Make it harder: Pull the band tighter to create more tension. For a balance challenge, extend the opposite leg straight out and hold it there to balance while you do the kickbacks.

Bent over rows: Stand with both feet on the band hip width apart, with the band directly under the center of your feet. Bend at the waist so that your back is close to parallel to the ground. Hold the handles in each hand with your palms facing in and row the elbows straight up toward the ceiling. When you get the top of the row, squeeze your shoulder blades together to work the back muscles, and slowly return to the starting position.


-Make it easier: Bring your feet closer together or only stand on the band with one foot to loosen the tension of the band

-Make it harder: Tighten the resistance of the band to create more tension. You can do this by standing on a part of the band that is closer to the handles.

Bicep curls: Keeping your feet where they were on the band from the rows, stand upright with good posture and curl your palms toward your shoulders without letting the elbows swing. Squeeze the biceps at the top and slowly return to the starting position.


-Make it easier: Bring your feet closer together or only stand on the band with one foot to loosen the tension of the band

-Make it harder: Tighten the resistance of the band to create more tension. You can do this by standing on a part of the band that is closer to the handles.

Give this one a try and let us know how it goes! Enjoy that arm burn!